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Best Things To Know About Class B AIS Transponder

Class B AIS transponder mainly use the latest AIS transponder technology.  Class B transponders mainly receive all Class A and Class B AIS transmissions. The AIS transponder is mainly manufactured for the demands of small commercial boat, leisure markets, and fishing boats.

Important features of class B AIS transponder 

Below are some of the important attributes of the class B AIS transponder: 

This class B transponder was mainly redesigned for compact housing

This is mainly suitable for small commercial as well as leisure crafts.

There is the automatic transmission of vessels their speed, position, as well as heading to some other vessels within the VHF range

Transmitters have got mainly the facility to preserve power, or for covert use.

AIS is the abbreviated form of automatic identification system. An automatic identification system mainly helps in transferring a vessel’s position. This is mainly done so that the other vessels in its proximity are mainly aware of their position. This may have been originally designed as an anti-collision system for commercial navigation. AIS regularly interprets as well as helps in updating the data.

AIS Gets an Upgrade

AIS mainly works by taking into account the devices’ location as well as movements through its GPS. It is mainly installed on ships for identifying ships as well as navigational marks. This mainly helps in navigation and the same must not be used for avoiding the collision. There are two different types of AIS, such as A and B. Class A is mainly required for all vessels 300 GT. This type of transponder mainly engaged on international voyages as well as different passenger ships. The class B mainly provides limited functionality. This is mainly used for non-SOLAS vessels. This type of transponder is mainly used in the case of pleasure crafts.

The data for the automatic identification system is mainly divided into three different categories. This includes static data, which mainly consists of information about the characteristics of the ship. The second is composed mainly of dynamic data. This is ever-changing for the constant movement of ships. The last one is the current voyage-related data. 

Important benefits to know about class B AIS transponder 

Class B devices mainly offer lower power. This type of transponder is having fewer receivers and having many display options to Class A transceivers. Class B transponders are mainly suitable for mariners with miniature pleasure crafts or the fishing boats. The Class B devices must use an antenna splitter. This is mainly used to regulate the use of the VHF antenna between the VHF radio as well as the AIS device.

These are some of the important facts to know about class B AIS transponders.