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First Corporate Video – 7 Point Checklist You Should Follow
Business Services

First Corporate Video – 7 Point Checklist You Should Follow

You might be the creative head or even the owner of a company, and you are preparing to shoot the first corporate video for the company. It is normal to get panicked the first time as you have to build everything from scratch to get that perfect video ready on time. However, there are a few things you can keep in mind to ensure that your very first corporate video does not end up being a bust. Better still, companies around Melbourne can avail several corporate video production services Melbourne to get their corporate video done in the best possible way, professionally.

Here is a 10-point checklist for you to follow when you make your first corporate video.

  1. Spend adequate time on planning

Deciding on a theme, timeline and scoping out a budget is easier said than done, but they decide if your video ends up being a realization of your vision or not. These are absolute essentials for ensuring smooth video production, whether in-house or using an external video production agency. Be realistic with your goals, and stick to the plan.

  1. Audience targeting

Be crystal clear about whom you are trying to reach and what the objective of the video is. A product ad to be shared on social media should look and feel very different from an internal video tutorial for employee training. Keep the audience in mind before jumping into production.

  1. Be clear with the messaging

What you are trying to convey must be clear and understandable to the viewer. If someone not familiar with your corporate environment watches the video, they should be able to convey the message of your video in a couple of sentences. If not, you may be trying to cramp too much information into one single video.

corporate video production services Melbourne

  1. Be creative

With your audience and message targeting defined, now is the time to get creative with the actual video. Flex your creative muscles, and decide on how the video is to be presented, whether as a storyline or a mildly humorous presentation that strikes a chord with the viewer.

  1. Participate in the script writing and shoot sessions

Be inclusive in all stages of production. Right from drafting the script to adjusting camera angles, be ready to make contributions or suggest changes wherever you deem necessary. A too hands-off approach may backfire if the video does not convey the message you intended to give.

  1. Attention to detail

First corporate videos often decide how well you can move forward with the next ones, and create a lasting impression on viewers. It’s usually the small things that go unnoticed and so be ready to notice these things and get them corrected.

  1. Take professional help

Donot hesitate to call in professional help if the video production exceeds your current in-house capabilities. There are several high-profile corporate video production agencies available to choose from. If you are in Melbourne, a simple search of corporate video production services Melbourne will fetch you a list of top agencies.